
NHS News

Busiest ever summer for accident and emergency departments

The NHS has experienced the busiest summer ever for accident and emergency (A&E) departments in England, new figures reveal today… Read more

NHS urges parents to help protect their children ahead of winter with flu vaccine rollout

Over 1 million parents and carers of 2 and 3-year-olds will be urged to book their children in for a… Read more

NHS chief signs pledge to support armed forces and veterans

The chief executive of the NHS has signed a public pledge to people in the armed forces and their families… Read more

Great North Run set to inspire thousands to take up running with NHS couch to 5K

National running events like the London Marathon and Great North Run inspire thousands of armchair viewers to get healthy, according… Read more

National Shortlist of Exceptional NHS Staff Announced

Today, the NHS has announced its 2024 NHS Parliamentary Awards shortlist. The shortlisted staff, who have gone above and beyond in… Read more

First ever drug approved for NHS patients with life-threatening genetic, tumour-causing disease

NHS patients in England with a rare genetic disease that causes tumours in major organs, including the brain and spine,… Read more

Blood pressure checks at the dentist and optician to catch those at risk of heart attacks and strokes

The NHS is trialling blood pressure checks at dentist and optometry appointments to help find people at hidden risks of… Read more

Landmark Moment As NHS Kicks Off First Ever RSV Jab Rollout

The NHS has started vaccinating people against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), for the first time in its history. RSV, a leading cause of infant… Read more

Mirrors in leisure centres across the country to reflect important NHS reminder

NHS messages prompting gym-goers to look out for potential signs of cancer will appear in the changing rooms of hundreds… Read more

NHS 111 offering crisis mental health support for the first time

Millions of patients experiencing a mental health crisis can now benefit from support through 111, the NHS has announced today…. Read more